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Tyler's First Wholesale Deal

Tyler's First Wholesale Deal - How He Did It!

how to student success video wholesaling Nov 27, 2018

Meet Tyler. Tyler started working with me when he had already spent a year and a half of time, $30,000 in real estate courses, and $12,000+ on marketing trying to get his first wholesale deal. Unfortunately, Tyler was not able to get his first wholesale deal alone in those 18 months.

He attended workshops just like you did and was very skeptical. Tyler knew that if he didn’t make a change in his life that nothing was going to change and he decided to trust me and the process and jump right in.

After a year and a half of spinning his wheels, he started working with me and completed his first wholesale deal!

Tyler did an amazing job on this wholesale deal and has now completed multiple other wholesale deals, as well!

This video is perfect for you if you’ve ever wondered, “How am I going to get my first wholesale deal?”


In this video you’ll see:

  • How Tyler got his first wholesale deal
  • Where Tyler got his first wholesale deal from
  • How getting his first wholesale deal felt like “scoring a touchdown”
  • His mindset of “I’m going to make this happen, no matter what”
  • How the resources in the Pro Wholesaler program helped him with his first wholesale deal
  • How the onboarding process was for him
  • What Tyler would tell himself if he could go back in time 18 months to when he first started trying to wholesale & flip housesHow we bust the myth of “you can’t get deals off of the MLS” ( the Multiple Listing Service )
  • His advice for someone who is on the fence about wholesaling

Tyler is a student & client of the Pro Wholesaler Program by Real Estate Skills.

Want to learn how Tyler did it?


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Founder & CEO of Real Estate Skills, Alex Martinez, reveals the systems and processes used to wholesale and flip houses without doing any marketing!

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  • No prior experience is required to start.
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  • Learn to invest in any real estate market.
  • Discover how you can close deals consistently. 

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