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Pro Wholesaler VIP Reviews: How Aaron Made $12,000 Wholesaling In Florida!

real estate wholesaling student success Jan 24, 2025

In this Real Estate Skills Pro Wholesaler VIP Review, Peter Soros (Coach at Real Estate Skills) interviews Aaron, a student who recently started wholesaling real estate in Florida and closed a deal resulting in a $12,000 net profit!

Here’s the best part: Aaron didn’t need a huge bankroll to start wholesaling in Florida! He successfully was able to wholesale real estate in Florida with the strategies, tools, and support from Real Estate Skills to make it happen.

Watch as Coach Peter unveils Aaron's incredible story about his experiences with the program and investing in real estate for the first time:

âś… He built a strong connection with the listing agent, even negotiating a double commission—which made the agent eager to work with him again.

âś… He locked in the deal over the phone and kept things smooth from start to finish.

âś… And, most importantly, he had the backing of our community the whole way through.

At Real Estate Skills, we don’t just teach theory—we hand you the systems, strategies, and support you need to actually close wholesale deals in ANY market--even Aaron's competitive market in Miami, FL.

If you want to learn EXACTLY how to wholesale real estate in Florida visit:

*For in-depth training on real estate investing, Real Estate Skills offers extensive courses to get you ready to make your first investment! Attend our FREE Webinar Training and gain insider knowledge, expert strategies, and essential skills to make the most of every real estate opportunity that comes your way!



Peter (RES Coach) (00:00):

Hey everyone, it's Peter Soros here with Real Estate Skills. Today I'm going to be interviewing a member of the Real Estate Skills community. He joined up with us just three months ago in August and closed his first wholesale deal last week and profited $12,000. That's not all. I talked to him yesterday and he's got another deal under contract where buyers are checking it out today. I'm real excited to share this story with you, so let's jump right into it. First off, how are you doing today, Aaron?

Aaron (00:33):
Doing great. Excited to be here talking with you, man.

Peter (RES Coach) (00:36):
Awesome. Stoke feeling that Hi of closing your first deal.

Aaron (00:40):
Yeah, it's definitely exciting.

Peter (RES Coach) (00:42):
Yeah. And then as of yesterday, you said you got another deal under contract? 

Aaron (00:47):
Yeah, I got a deal in North Miami. It's in the airport town neighborhood. I'm looking, I'm working right now to try to find a buyer for it, so we'll see how that one goes. Right now the feedback I'm getting, it might be a little bit high. I might have to try to see if I can improve that, but that's where I'm at right now.

Peter (RES Coach) (01:04):
Or get a price reduction and we will talk about that later. We'll see what we can do to help you out with that. So just the name of the game, so, so we want to know more about you. So before you started real estate, what was your profession before? What was your career path before getting into real estate?

Aaron (01:27):
Well, I graduated from college in 2022, so what, two years ago I was in college. I was playing basketball and I was studying and I graduated and then I just got pretty much a random job. I was working in a hospital just like where my grandpa worked, just trying to figure out what I wanted to do and that's when I started getting into real estate. I started watching BiggerPockets and kind of how everybody gets into real estate and I decided to get my real estate license. So yeah, I had been working before I decided to start getting into wholesaling that I got this course and all that. I had been doing real estate as an agent for about a year, but then my goal was always to be more on the investment side of things, so that's why I decided to just make the jump and I just jumped all in. I switched over, bought the course, started doing it pretty much full time. This is what I spend all day doing and yeah, that's how I'm here.

Peter (RES Coach) (02:19):
Okay. So you had a little bit of experience as an agent. Tell me a little bit what that was like. What made you want to go on the investment side of things after how long were you an actual agent? How many deals did you do as an agent? Tell me a little bit about that part of it.

Aaron (02:34):
Yeah, so I was an agent for about exactly a year, pretty much exactly a year. I got my license last year in August, and I started with the course this year right around August. So it was pretty much exactly a year, and the reason that I got my license was because I started learning because before that I have no history, no background in real estate. I didn't even really know anything about real estate. Once I started at all zero knowledge and I started learning about rental properties and cashflow and all this type of stuff, and obviously it was something that I was like, man, this is an amazing opportunity. So I got my license with the idea that I was going to learn about real estate and make some money to be able to then invest it in real estate, and that was kind of my vision.

And after doing it for a year, I realized that while I did make some money as an agent, it's completely different. Being an agent than being an investor is totally, totally opposite worlds. And that's why I thought wholesale, like Alex says, a lot of times in the course, which I totally agree with that wholesaling is essentially you're getting paid to learn how to invest and learn how to run the numbers and meet these investors and all that sort of thing. So I've only been doing it now for maybe what two, three months, and I've already gotten so much further than a whole year being a real estate agent. And with regards to how it went, I mean when I started doing real estate, I just started cold calling. I was calling for sale by owners expired, and I went on 20 listing appointments in the first six months and didn't get a single one and it was horrible.

Literally didn't make $1. I made 900 bucks on a rental my first six months in working as an agent. But then starting in January of this year, I got two listings and then I started doing a bunch of rentals and I sold a house. So it was going well. I was making decent money as an agent, but once I found out about wholesaling, I had always heard of it, but I never really understood how it worked. I knew about fixing and flipping and obviously all that sort of stuff, but once I found out how it really went, I started watching a bunch of videos on YouTube. I got the course and I just made a complete shift over into wholesaling from being an agent.

Peter (RES Coach) (04:44):
So before we dive into more about the real estate journey, why did you pick real estate? So you had gone to college, I assume, for something not related to real estate.

Aaron (04:53):
Yeah, I did sport and exercise.

Peter (RES Coach) (04:55):
Okay, so what made you get into real estate specifically? Why real estate?

Aaron (05:02):
I mean, I really don't know. I feel like it just kind of happened that out of nowhere I just started watching a bunch of BiggerPockets podcasts and I started seeing all these guys on YouTube and just all the opportunities that were there with fix and flipping. And also my dad, he has his own company. He does kitchens and countertops, so he remodeled his whole house and he has experience, he knows a lot of people in that space. So my vision was always like, man, if I learned this stuff, I could do it with my dad and I can get the work done at a great price. And that was kind of what got me into it.

Peter (RES Coach) (05:36):
So was it because the whole sports exercise thing that you had gone to go get your degree in and all that just wasn't the life you wanted wasn't going to give you the lifestyle you wanted? Was it more about those things and then you mentioning you could be able to work with your dad, that's huge to be able to have a business that you work together with a family member, which I assume wouldn't have happened, right? If you were just in

Aaron (05:58):
Yeah, yeah, exactly. So my whole life I played basketball and I played basketball in college as well. And growing up my idea was always to just play basketball. I wanted to obviously play in the NBA or Play Pro somewhere and things didn't work out, it is how it is. So I decided to start working and I got that degree in sport and exercise. You just have to study something when you're in college, but I really wasn't focused on that, sadly, I was more focused on just basketball.

So once I graduated and I wasn't going to go play, I had to figure out, hey, what am I going to do? So I just had a job. Then I worked a little bit with my degree, I guess I was a personal trainer for a couple months before I got my real estate license. And then just in that process of figuring out what was going to be the next thing for me, I found real estate and I fell in love with it from the beginning. I've always really liked the idea of owning real estate and owning properties and fixing and flipping houses. And also that my dad is already kind of not in the real estate space, but in the construction and renovation side of things. I always saw that as well as an opportunity to work with him and be able to make money with him and all that sort of stuff.

Peter (RES Coach) (07:06):
Nice, nice. So that's kind of your background. You mentioned a little bit about your little bit of experience you had about a year or two as an agent. What was your mindset about real estate before joining the program? You had started to get a little bit of a taste of what it's like being a realtor and now you're like, okay, is this what real estate means? Is this what it is? But then you heard about investing, so what was the shifts going on in your mind as you're journeying through the real estate industry?

Aaron (07:39):
Yeah, I mean because I guess I was working as obviously just full-time realtor. I was doing buying sale rental and then literally it was random, just one day on YouTube, a wholesale video came up. I'm always trying to learn and I'm always watching YouTube and all this stuff, and then I watched the whole video and then I found Alex Martinez actually, and it was the 1 0 1 wholesaling video. It's like an hour long. 

Was just watching the video, I watched the whole video and I was like, wow, man, this makes sense. And this is exactly what I've been looking for, something I can start doing now. Something that I don't need $200,000 to invest in a property, and it's something that can teach me how I can build into being what I want to be as an investor, fixing, flipping, buying and holding in the future. So I guess the more so what you said, the mindset step shift was I just decided to go all in. Once I did it, I just said, man, this is what I'm going to do. I took the course, I did the whole course in a couple weeks and I just started implementing it. And what the course really gave me the most was just a foundation to really be able to start taking action on the wholesale side of things because coming from an agent, I had no idea how I was going to wholesale the house. I didn't even know how it worked. I didn't know how I was going to do that.

Peter (RES Coach) (08:55):
Yeah, that was going to be my next question is what was holding you back from moving forward into something else? So obviously you had to become exposed to this new idea and then it was something that sparked something in you. What was it that said, you know what, I'm going to take action on this, and was there something that was keeping you from maybe taking action beforehand? Was there anything like that or how was that?

Aaron (09:19):
Yeah, I mean I guess before it was just a lack of knowledge. I was just focused on making as much money as I can as an agent, and my plan was just to make a lot of money. And then when I had enough money to start investing or be able to buy a property or have enough money to be able to start investing in real estate, which in my mind you needed a lot of money to do that, then I was going to take that opportunity. So I guess when I saw that I could jump into the investment side of things right now without having to have the money, without having to have all the experience by wholesaling and learning how I can do that, especially since I already did have some experience as an agent, I knew that I can get it going pretty quickly.

Peter (RES Coach) (09:59):
So you kind of found out that there was really nothing holding you back from getting started.

Usually everyone thinks you got to have a ton of money in order to get started as an investor, and that's really kind of what helped push you over the edge like, oh, I don't need all this stuff. I can just get started now and you already have some experience. You're already an agent. So that was kind of the tipping point for you then is what it sounds like.

Aaron (10:22):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. And initially my kind of plan was like, oh, maybe I can do this together. But once I started really diving in and I got the course and all that, I was like, man, for me at least I just got mean. I'm still doing referrals and things that come my way, but I'm not even really focused at all on the real estate stuff. I jumped all in and I was like, this is what I want to do. This is what's going to help me get to where I want to get to as an investor. Yeah.

Peter (RES Coach) (10:45):
So was there anything specific that we helped you get past that was holding you back? You mentioned the knowledge education, which a lot of it always comes down to that foundation. I don't know what I'm doing, and some people are like, I'll figure it out as I go. Tell me a little bit more of what is it that we actually helped you do that you probably would've taken you a long time to figure out or never figure out? Tell me a little bit about that.

Aaron (11:15):
I mean, the first thing was I've already kind of said that just that knowledge and knowing that that opportunity is there that I could start wholesaling right now. And then once I went through the course, just setting the course, obviously there's things that you learn as you go talking with agents because like everything, you can't just watch videos and know everything. You got to go do it to be able to actually learn every little thing, but giving me that foundation so that I can start taking action relatively quickly within a couple of weeks. And then the biggest thing for me as well, that definitely I felt that support was through your help on the school games and everybody else jumping on the platform. That was definitely something that was a, how do I say this? There was always a quick response to any question that I had or anything that I was in the middle of that I was like, man, what do I do here?

I always reached out and it was always a great answer. It always answered my question. It was the latest that it would take was maybe a couple hours maybe, but always a quick response within a couple minutes and it would help me move on to the next thing. Once you're starting, there's a lot of things you don't know. There's a lot of things that maybe are simple, but in the moment you're like, man, what is this? What do I do? So definitely that support was probably from the course, the biggest support that I felt to help me get that first deal pretty quickly.

Peter (RES Coach) (12:32):
The first deals, it can feel very overwhelming and having someone on your side and being there for you, and as soon as you get a deal under contract, the clock is ticking and you got to pull all these pieces together and make it work. And that's why we understand if you're in it and we're there to support you, we're going to do everything we can to be as responsive and as quick to respond to you as possible. We know we got to make decisions in a matter of minutes, hours, days, A lot can hinge on that

Aaron (13:05):
And learning with analyzing properties, a lot of times now I kind have a little bit more confidence in that, but at first I would analyze it and what would really give me my confidence that I did it right was asking like, Hey, is this RV right and yes or no? Getting that feedback quickly, for example, that once I started, I had an opportunity where I did it for a couple weeks to work with some guys that were fixing the flipping and they're also investors and obviously they're doing their own work and their jobs. So once I worked with them for two weeks I think or something, and throughout that period I really felt like a lot of questions that I had, I didn't get them answered. They were busy doing this and doing that. So that's something that in the course and in the school platform is definitely something that was big time and super helpful.

Peter (RES Coach) (13:50):
And that reminds me, I remember, and again, you've been in the program for only a couple months and you've closed your first deal. We'll talk more about your other deals that you had under contract and we'll talk about those. But then you told me you even had a job offer for a while with that acquisitions company or whatever. How did that come about again, tell us about that again.

Aaron (14:10):
Yeah, so that it was just the owner of the company. He's an investor that I had seen before at an event and I had just reached out to him on Instagram to send him my deals to see if maybe he wanted to buy it. And he also has a title company, so we had just agreed to go meet a day in his office just to talk about potentially working together him as the title company since he knew that I was wholesaling and just talking there, we met, we got along well and he just told me he was looking for people to essentially run the acquisition side of his company. He was looking for some acquisitions people and he offered me the job and I took it and I did it for a little bit, but it was a good opportunity, but I just felt I had a better opportunity doing it, do it on my own. And with the support that I got from this platform and literally within a week, I think it was the next week that I went back on my own is that I locked up this deal that I closed.

Peter (RES Coach) (15:04):
Perfect, perfect.

Aaron (15:06):
It was in my contract for a month, so I locked it up. It was in September, I believe, within a month and a half of being in the course.

Peter (RES Coach) (15:11):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Alright, well let's start diving into some of the deals you got. So when you started in August, so then you had your first deal under contract in September, wasn't it like a month

Aaron (15:23):
Later? Yeah, it was like early. I got it under contract.

Peter (RES Coach) (15:26):
Right, and so tell us a little about that one. I remember you brought that one to us. We were trying to help you find some buyers. We found somebody, but it was a little bit too tight of a timeline and we were like a day off or else you would've had another deal closed probably, huh?

Aaron (15:40):
Yeah, and that one, that deal, that was my first deal. I actually think I got that one towards the end of August. The one that I closed is the one that I got in September. So that one, I got it within a couple weeks of being in the course and that deal, obviously it fell through super last minute. We found out you guys helped me find a buyer that it looked like he was going to move forward on it, but he was out of town. He got back that night,

Peter (RES Coach) (16:03):

Aaron (16:03):
Ended and the agent, she had a bunch of backup offers, so she decided to just move on. And that property, I had it under contract for four 90 and I was going to wholesale it for like 500, I think 500,000. So I was going to make like 10,000 on that deal and it actually ended up selling because it already closed really quickly after, I don't remember what it was, but it was like five 15 or something. Five

Peter (RES Coach) (16:29):
Yeah, it was a lot higher. So you had it at a really good price.

Aaron (16:32):
Yeah, so it was definitely, I could have even made more than that 10 K on that deal if I would've just had the right buyer.

Peter (RES Coach) (16:38):
Yeah, I think it was just a matter of time. We just needed a little bit more time that was dragging his feet a little bit, but he was also out of town, had to come see it. So yeah, that's why sometimes we try to buy ourselves some more time and sometimes there's just nothing you can do. We've extended as much as we can. But that was your first taste, right? And that was after what, just a couple weeks?

Aaron (17:02):

Peter (RES Coach) (17:02):
Then after that I recall you had two more deals or was it one more deal under contract that you had to cancel? Because tell us about that one. It was,

Aaron (17:12):
Yeah. Then the second one that I actually got, well I think it was my second or third one, I had gotten another one once I started working with that company that they do kind of investments and all that, and just because I was kind of in that transition, I wasn't really focused on that. So that deal ended up falling through and then I got another one that I got at a good price. I spoke with the agent and I had found a buyer for it that I had assigned it over to him and everything, but then when he was going through the inspections, the agent had told us that the property had a new roof from two years ago that it had updated electrical, all this stuff, and then turns out literally none of that was true. So my buyer had to, for the deal to make sense, he had to get it like 20, $30,000 cheaper and once we tried to go for the reduction, the agent wasn't going for it. So that deal kind of fell through and it's actually still on the market right now. I'm still following up with it, trying to see if I can lock it up, but haven't done yet.

Peter (RES Coach) (18:09):
Try again. Yeah. Awesome. Alright, so now let's just jump into this deal. I remember you brought it to us and all the numbers seem to make sense. So tell us about how, before we go onto that, how many offers do you think you put in until you finally got your first deal closed? How many offers would you say it was?

Aaron (18:32):
Man, I don't know about an exact number, but in the course they always talk about 15 offers to one actual contract. I've been kind of tracking it on my own, especially more so recently for the last couple months. And I mean it's definitely pretty accurate. It's right around that number I've gotten because from now my biggest issue has been just finding the right buyers sometimes because I've gotten about five deals already under contract. I've only been able to sell that one and I'm working on this one right now, and the last one it took me 10 offers to get a deal. Then this one took me like 25 30. So on average it's probably right around that 15 to 20 mark for me I would say. And yeah, I'm just kind of working on getting better on finding the right buyers and being able to assign it and also the timeframes and maybe one or two were priced a little bit too high, but right around that range of I would say 15 to 20, they do say in the course is what it's been for me as well.

Peter (RES Coach) (19:28):
Yeah, that's just kind of what we've seen. Again, some people do it in a lot less, some people take smaller and it's always good to keep in mind you're in a very competitive market. You're in Miami, very competitive market, but once you start to get into the community there, as you see it starts to kind of snowball effect. It happens all the time. We say it all the time. Momentum is very real. It starts to build up. You just close your first deal now you got another one under contract that we'll see if it's actually ends up closing with a good buyer based on the numbers you said there might be foundation issues on it and all that stuff, but that it's something that just sparks and then things just keep going and building as long as you keep moving. Just a prime example of exactly what we see all the time. All right, so now let's talk about your deal. What were the numbers? What did you buy it at? What were your estimates for the rehab, your arv? Just the raw numbers?

Aaron (20:32):
Yeah, so this deal, the one that I closed or the one that I'm working on right now,

Peter (RES Coach) (20:36):
The one that you closed? 

Aaron (20:37):
Yeah. Okay, so the one that I closed, it was listed for 5 25, the property, if I remember correctly, every little detail, but the property, it was mainly just cosmetic work and I believe, oh, it was cosmetic work and it didn't have a central ac, so that was kind of the biggest things that it needed in terms of repairs the property, I was able to get it under contract for $500,000. I remember when I was going back and forth with the agent, I wanted to try to get it at four 90, but he kind of pushed me up and on that deal. Something that I could say was just to kind of sidetrack a little bit that the biggest thing that helped me get that deal under contract was definitely offering both sides of the commission to the agent. So that was something that the second that I told him on the phone, he was like, oh, I could just hear in his voice that he was more interested and he literally even told me, oh yeah, if we could work together, I can try to push for this number.

So I was able to get it at 500,000. The property, the rv, it was a really nice area in Miami Springs. It sold, the RV was probably somewhere around $700,000, so there was definitely a decent spread there considering that it wasn't a super major rehab, it was really just cosmetic. The property was being rented out to an older lady who had lived there for 20 years, and then I was trying to move it at $510,000. That was my target sale price, and I actually ended up getting an offer for five 10 and then another person was interested. So I was able to negotiate that lady all the way up to five 17, which is where I ultimately ended up wholesaling it.

Peter (RES Coach) (22:15):
Nice. And would you say it was easier than you thought, or was it harder than you thought it was going to be? Doing that

Aaron (22:26):
To what? To get my first deal

Peter (RES Coach) (22:29):
To close this deal to get it to the finish line. What did that feel? It's like, wow, that was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be, or was that a lot actually easier than I thought it was going to be. What was that?

Aaron (22:38):
It's kind of weird, at least for me, when I'm in the moment, I feel like, man, I've done so much work. I'm always calling, negotiating, doing this, waking up early, working every day, and so it feels like, man, when's it going to happen? But then once I actually did it, I was like, wow, when you look back, it feels like, man, it was pretty quick. I guess it wasn't, wasn't that hard. But definitely when you're in the moment it feels like, man, I'm going crazy working and working. But looking back at it, I was like, man, it wasn't that bad.

Peter (RES Coach) (23:04):
Yeah, at first it feels like, oh, this is a lot going on. And then after you've done it a few times, you're like, that's just what you expect.

Aaron (23:11):
Yeah. Yeah. And in terms of the actual under contract to closing this deal was chaos, man. It was everything that you can imagine. I got it under contract and then the lady that I found from a Facebook group, probably you're going to ask me about that, but I found her from a Facebook group and I assigned it to her the day before the inspections were up, and then we had a title company. She decides to switch it. I mean it was a million different stuff. Then she's trying to negotiate the price down and she couldn't get financing. It was crazy.

Peter (RES Coach) (23:43):
Got it. So it got done. It got done, yeah. Was that the most challenging part about it, was just guiding them through it or was it trying to find the buyer? What was the most challenging part would you say about the whole

Aaron (24:01):
Process on this specific deal? The one that I just recently closed in Miami Springs, I would say the most challenging part really was just making sure that it got to closing after it was under contract. Surprisingly, that would be my answer, just because so many different things happened. There was so many moving pieces. So many times I was like, man, this thing might not close.

But at the end, even to the last day, because originally I was supposed to make $17,000 on the deal, and literally the day of closing the buyer calls me and she's like, Hey, I'm $5,000 short. I'm not going to be able to close if I don't have it. So obviously I think she kind of was just negotiating me down. Maybe it's true, I don't know, but she calls me. So then I reached out to the agent and I'm asking him to see if he can come in with some of his commission, because obviously a set of 10, he's making $20,000 and he just blew up and went crazy. He's like, no, no way I'm doing that. So I thought the deal was going to fall out through both ends, and I ended up just having to give the 5K. So I ended up making 12 K on the deal.

Peter (RES Coach) (25:00):
Oh, right, okay. I remember you saying you was going to make 17 K on

Aaron (25:03):
That. Yeah, exactly. Last day, the day of closing after getting a week long extension. It was crazy, man. Everything that could happen happened on this deal.

Peter (RES Coach) (25:11):
Wow. Well, that's a great battle scar you've got.

Aaron (25:16):
Yeah, nothing could surprise me anymore.

Peter (RES Coach) (25:19):
Here's a question for you. How much money did you have to put in to get this deal?

Aaron (25:24):
I mean, yeah, that's the good thing about our market. It didn't cost a dollar,

Peter (RES Coach) (25:28):
Didn't cost you anything.

Aaron (25:29):
Time and energy is all I had to put in.

Peter (RES Coach) (25:30):
You didn't put an earnest money deposit in anything like that?

Aaron (25:34):
No, the EMD was $5,000 and she put that in. That's when I assigned it over to her so I didn't have to put a single dollar.

Peter (RES Coach) (25:43):
Awesome, awesome. It's always nice that hearing it from you, people always want to know, oh, you can't do it, but here we go, we got another testimonial that you can do it. Do it that way. So you mentioned a few times about the help that you had, the support. How did the training or the support help you get this deal across the finish line? I remember you called me a few times, Peter, what's this agents doing this, what do I do? What do I do? So tell me a little bit about that. What was going through your

Aaron (26:15):
Head? Yeah, I mean if it wasn't for you, man, I don't even know where I would've been, but I mean, just one example that I can think of at the top of my mind was, which now is not even a big deal. I've been through it, but I had chosen the title company, which is a title company that I have worked with for previously as a realtor tourist. So I had some connection with them, and then the buyer, she gives the EMD to them and it looks like we're moving forward with them.

We're past inspections and everything, and then out of nowhere she's just upset with how they treated her. So she wants to use her title company and we want to switch over title companies in the middle of the transaction, and I had never done that before, so I didn't even know if that could be done or not, and I was kind of worried about that. I'm calling you and you're like, Hey, yeah, it's not a big deal, just get it done. Then on the other end, the agent was also worrying like, Hey, what's going on? What are we doing? So in the moment it was just chaotic and being able to have that support and ask somebody who has experience definitely helped me calm down and helped me make the right decisions and navigate through.

Peter (RES Coach) (27:13):
Awesome. Yeah, I was happy to be there for you. Glad I was ready by the phone to get that call and those little moments make all the difference. I know, because I used to be in those positions as well, and it just helps build you up. That confidence and that little extra nudges and support just helps put us more at ease. I know the very first couple deals, you're just stressed out and when you wanted to work and all that, so all right, so we got that one closed. You got another one in the hopper, so to speak. It's been accepted. You're out there trying to lock in some buyers, you've already getting some feedback. So that kind of leads me into ever since now doing this deal, what's life like now ever since you joined the program and you had this win? What's changing in your life right

Aaron (28:05):
Now? I guess especially in the real estate aspect, my mindset towards how I'm really, at first, I almost felt like I was just faking it, but now I really almost do feel like even if it sounds kind of cliche, I really am an investor, especially in the way that I go about these deals. Even if there's highs or lows, I still get stressed out, but I'm a lot better than at first because I kind of know how to deal with these situations and specifically, for example, with this deal that I actually got it under contract, I believe it was yesterday in the morning, just being able to reach out to the investors and reach out to the buyers, trying to push out the deal as well as maybe JV with some wholesalers or disco people, just trying to make sure I get the deal out there.

I just feel a lot more confident and when I talk to them and when I present the deal, when I present the numbers and being able to get the feedback and kind of know what I need to maybe reduce on the deal to be able to make it happen or learning also for the next deal. I just feel like I'm a lot more in control ever since joining the course and ever since going through all the things that I've been going through the last couple months.

Peter (RES Coach) (29:10):
Yeah, yeah. No, it's great. It's very nuanced. As you noticed. A lot of things can go this way or that way or upside down, and just being able to be flexible quick on your feet and maintain your composure as you see, you'll always run into new things, but if you have the right mindset and you have the confidence in yourself, then you see what you can do now, I can see it that you're still plowing through, going through getting more deals, and so I see the change already since the beginning.

And it was a really quick change. So we're all real proud of you for doing that. Thank you. What's the best thing that's happened for you since you joined? So yeah, you closed your first deal. Is it changing? Anything else other in your life though? Now? That's one thing because a lot of people get into real estate, they want to do something bigger because they think there's the potential. They see that there's a potential to start changing their life for the better. Has anything started changing for yourself, your family?

Obviously your business seems to start to be growing. I assume you're starting to see that there's light at the end of the tunnel as an investor. Like you said, you honestly feel like an investor now, and you're starting to see that there's other agents out there doing deals, and you feel like you can compete with any of those guys any day now, right? All the time. So tell me a little bit more on how that is changing how you're going through just your life now.

Aaron (30:46):
Yeah, let me see. I mean, I guess one thing, it's definitely my vision now is a lot clearer in terms of, even though obviously there's a lot, there's a gap, there's time, there's work that needs to be done, but my vision in terms of where I am to where I want to be is a lot clearer. I know I just got to keep making offers and learning and connecting with people. Also, just through doing this and learning wholesaling, the amount of investors and people that are really doing this in this space, in this area that I know that previously I didn't even have a connection with.

One of them is a lot better. I also just through this, for example, earlier this week, I haven't told this to you, but there's a guy, I don't know if I did tell you, but there's a young guy, he's 27, he's about my age. He goes to, he's studying business and he's also looking to invest in real estate, but he has some capital that he doesn't really have the time to look for deals and deploy. He's got family that has capital. They're looking to move through him.

So just, oh, yeah, I did tell you. So the opportunity to potentially partner with him and maybe start jumping into actual fix and flip projects or just having access to that and just also opening my mind to seeing new ideas and new things that, for example, how I can get into a deal, how I can probably raise money. This has opened a lot of different doors and just making me feel, I guess a lot happier. I dunno if it has any relationship, but I've been getting closer to God and a lot of good things are happening in my life.

Peter (RES Coach) (32:17):
Alright, so what's your ultimate long-term goal? So you've kind of built this foundation for yourself now and you're trying to build something. Now I can see it. What is it you're trying to build? What is it the long-term goal for you that you're shooting for?

Aaron (32:31):
So my vision long-term is definitely to build this into a company that has a large portfolio, a company that does a little bit of everything, wholesaling, fixing and flipping and investing into assets. I mean, my long-term vision is definitely to get into multifamily. I just feel like that's where the best opportunities are in real estate and be able to own those types of properties and raise money and do this and just build a real estate company and a large real estate portfolio is really my long-term vision.

And yeah, that's what wholesale has giving me that opportunity to jump into that. I'm already actually working on potentially hiring a VA to automate some of the things that I'm working on and be able to delegate a little bit so that I can focus more on negotiating deals and doing the things that produce money to help me continue to scale my business, obviously, as I'm able to lock up more deals and make more money.

Peter (RES Coach) (33:28):
Nice, nice. What's next on your to-do list then? Right now it's probably what close this next deal?

Aaron (33:35):
Yeah. Next on my to-do list is to close the next couple, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, as many deals as I can to continue to raise that money. Then as soon as I find something that maybe for me or maybe to going on with a partner or somebody that maybe our money lender, whatever the case may be, then so I can build into a fix and flipping and then as I'm wholesaling, flipping, start to hold some and continue to build that and that as I continue to build my company then in the future long term, my end goal is definitely to be able to get into the multifamily space and own larger apartment complexes and things like that. That's my vision. So God willing.

Peter (RES Coach) (34:13):
And it sounds like you're doing real estate now. I just want to make sure. Is that what you do or you still have extra income from a job or anything?

Aaron (34:21):
No, no. I mean ever since last year that I got my real estate license, I did it full time and I've been full-time in real estate. I jumped in head first. Some people think I'm crazy, but that's just how I've decided to do it.

Peter (RES Coach) (34:36):
So what does this shift from going from agent to investor, this transformation you've just went through, what does this mean to you? Why is this really important to you?

Aaron (34:48):
Yeah, because I mean since the beginning, kind of like I've been saying that I got my license always, my goal has always been not to be an agent. There's nothing wrong with that. There's people that want to be agents and they're great agents, but that was never my goal. It was always to get more into the investment side of things and be an investor and fix and flip properties and own properties. And I've always said I've always, ever since, I don't know. I mean, you definitely probably know Grant Cardone. That's the guy that I watch a lot and I think he's great. So that's somebody that he's really heavy in the multifamily space and that's something that long-term has always been my vision. So yeah.

Peter (RES Coach) (35:26):
Is there anything kind of making a change in your personal life with what you're doing too? Because we're talking business, you're talking your career and all that, but we all know that carries off into our personal life. So what kind of things do you see changing or do you see that this can get you to make some personal changes you want maybe future? Is this providing what you envision for yourself on a personal level as well?

Aaron (35:55):
Yeah, I mean 100% at least. One thing that, I mean, I guess it's personal, I guess it's kind of real estate related right now. I am renting in an apartment complex that I live in, and my goal is definitely to own my own house and to buy a house and just learning this whole investment side of things, it's made that much more in my mind, something that I can access and I can do much, much quicker than before where I had to wait the two years so that I could have the money and get a loan. Now I could potentially fix and flip my own house and then just live in it. So something like that in my personal life, there's always been a goal to own my house and then continue to invest from there. Something that I feel this has gotten me a lot closer to achieving and something else would be working alongside my dad to fix and flip houses together. I guess that's still business, but working with my dad is something I think would be super cool, and I feel like I'm just a couple months away from being able to make that a reality. So yeah.

Peter (RES Coach) (36:51):
Yeah, no, that's great that you kind of keep coming back to work and being able to work with your dad. So it sounds like there's a family connection is important to you and this is the thing, it's like you can go try to make as much money you can for what purpose? That's what we're always trying to see. A lot of people are always like, I want to do this so that then I can take care of my parents or that then I can feel more comfortable starting a family, things like that. So we always like to hear the human side of things because business numbers, it's always fun, but the stuff underneath that really gets us going to get to these spots. So we're trying to see what makes Aaron tick.

Aaron (37:33):
Yeah, yeah, I mean for me, definitely. Maybe a lot of people say it, but it's just the reality for me, it's my family, just being able to provide for them how my parents have done my whole life and being able to, something that I've always dreamed of is be able to travel the world, see a lot of places with my family, maybe even be able to do it for them and things like that, as well as being able to invest in real estate. So I could have more of a passive style of income coming into at times will allow me to be more free to travel, spend more time, or whatever the case may be, have that achieve financial freedom for myself and for my family, and even to be able to give back as well. I have a strong faith in God, so that's something that I kind of prioritize as well. So yeah, those main motivations for me.

Peter (RES Coach) (38:19):
Yeah, exactly. I mean all those things make what we do just even more meaningful and all that. Yeah, it's always just nice to hear where people are coming from, so that's great to hear. Alright, so you've gotten this far, what advice would you give to anyone thinking of jumping into real estate investing or if anyone's interested in Real Estate Skills and all that, now you've kind of been through it and you're moving forward, you're seeing what's possible, what's some advice you would give to someone thinking about it or on the fence? What kind of advice would you give to someone?

Aaron (38:59):
Yeah, I mean, the advice that I would give is to just go ahead and do it. It's something I've already been giving it. My cousin, he's kind of wants to get into real estate as well, and I've been on him like, bro, start wholesaling, learn about wholesaling, look at this course, get the chorus as well as a couple guys in my church as well. I've already been referring people to you guys, man, and just kind of telling people if you're interested and you want to do it. From my experience right now, the way to get into real estate and into investing is to do start by wholesaling. It doesn't take, it sounds like an ad almost, but it doesn't take any money. All it takes is your time and your effort to learn how you got to do it, and you don't need a license, you don't need nothing. It's just the best way to learn and get paid and make more money than you can make in 90% of other things. So it's just a great opportunity in my opinion. So I would say to do it.

Peter (RES Coach) (39:50):
Awesome. Would you say, because some people think like, oh yeah, I'll just start wholesaling. I'll just start making money. No problem. Again, you said some of it seems it was pretty hard at first. It felt like that's another part of it. Everyone thinks, oh, I can just jump into this, just start making millions of dollars. Let's try to knock out some preconceptions. People might have like, oh, just come in and just start making tons of money and not have to work for it. So talk a little bit about that. What did it actually take?

Aaron (40:24):
Once I started even in real estate as an agent, my idea was that I was going to cold call for two, three months and be a millionaire. And it's really not like that. You got to, obviously everybody's different. Maybe somebody within three months they became a millionaire. I don't know. I don't know. But you definitely got to put in the work and be consistent. And for me at least, because obviously you're calling and you're getting a lot of nos. I got one deal, I made $12,000, but there's been over a hundred agents that have told me no.

Some that have screamed at me, some that have told me I'm an idiot. So it's definitely hard and there's moments throughout it where it's super, super stressful and you feel like, man, this is not even going to happen. So the biggest thing for somebody that wants to start apart from starting is to, I always say, I don't know if this kind of makes sense. It makes sense in my mind. Just make that decision. This is what you're going to do and you're going to do it until you achieve it, because you can do it. It is possible. I did it. I won't only done one deal, but there's people making a lot of money doing this. It's possible. You just have to stick through it and figure it out because it's definitely, if when it gets a little challenging, you're going to quit, then you're definitely not going to be able to make it. It's something that you got to be mentally, this is what I'm going to do and I'm going to do it until it works. Whether it takes one month or whether it takes a year or two years, everybody's time is different. So yeah, it's something that you got to be dedicated to and committed to seeing it through.

Peter (RES Coach) (41:50):
Awesome, awesome, awesome. Yeah, I'm glad you've noticed that because a lot of people, people start seeing your success like, oh, maybe I should start doing that too. Well, you're starting a business and I always like comparing it to someone who has this business down the street. They got a sandwich shop, you got to show up every day, you got to buy stuff, you got to make those sandwiches, you got to sell those things. You got to make sure everything is, and if you don't show up, you don't eat, you don't. So it can sound very sexy, real estate, but we also have to understand that it's a business and you just got to be willing to commit to it. And like you said, make up your mind, make up your decision and just don't stop.

Aaron (42:32):
But also it's really important. That's something that I'm still working on right now to also take action, take action steps, because you can spend the whole day looking at deals and analyzing deals, but if you don't call an agent or make an offer is just as good as if you watch TV all day. Because a lot of times I'll overwhelm myself like, oh, what direction do I want to go? Do I send this and I'm analyzing a property for two hours and you're working, but you're just wasting your time really as well. So it's important to make sure that you're also taking action steps, like doing the actual things that make a difference.

Peter (RES Coach) (43:04):
Yeah, exactly. It's a very almost cliche nowadays, but it's like you can be busy, but you're not being productive. And I say it all the time, I've canceled way more deals than I've ever closed. Alex's first deal, he got under contract, he had to cancel. He messed up on the numbers. We do that sometimes. I still do that sometimes because we don't know exactly what we're getting into. We're doing the best we can, and I'll bring up the analogies all the time, like you, basketball player, Michael Jordan, how many shots that I take that I missed, but it's the ones that I made and I'm still a champion. I'm butchering whatever that quote was like, but you know exactly what I'm talking about. So if you don't submit offers, you're not even playing the game. You'll never win. If you never buy the lotto ticket, you're never going to win the lotto thing.

So yeah, no, that's great advice. I'm glad we got to it and we got to get that out because that's one of the biggest things I see happening. When people start to see your success, they think, oh, I can just start doing that too. You can if you stick to it and you're serious about this, if you're just chasing the money, yeah, you could still make money for sure, but that's why we always try to talk about the personal things. If there's more to it, there's more reason that you're going to stick to it and make it happen. So those are all important things to have. This is why in the course we talk about mindset for the whole first couple hours. It is a business and people lose their businesses when they just give up. Things can go sideways, but well, Aaron, I've been waiting to do this call with you for a while.

I'm glad we finally got to do it. So proud of what you've done, and then we're going to jump in and start looking at your other deals, see what we can do to help you. Your story was super inspiring. I'm sure other people will too. Once we put this out there for you, one to listen to, it's obviously just the beginning for you and we're all just looking forward to supporting you and see what else you come up with and seeing what you share in the community. So again, I appreciate everything you've shared with us today and looking forward to more wins, my man.

Aaron (45:28):
A hundred percent, man. Thank you so much and you've been one of a huge help throughout the way. From the bottom of my heart, man.

Peter (RES Coach) (45:36):
I'm happy to do it, man. I know what it was like. I was in those same shoes, so I can feel what you guys are going through. I know. So that's why it's like, Hey, I get it. What do you need? I'll help you. And there you have it. For anyone else who's interested to get involved with the Real Estate Skills community, just go to to learn more. I'll see you there.

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