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Pro Wholesaler Program Review: How Stevie Consistently Wholesales Houses From The MLS

pro wholesaler student success video wholesaling Aug 10, 2021

Stevie's an awesome member of our Pro Wholesaler VIP Program and she has been consistently wholesaling houses from utilizing our MLS Offer System.

Stevie came into the program as a licensed realtor who wanted to be able to make more money while doing less work. This led Stevie to enroll in our program and become a Pro Wholesaler so that she could make her dreams & goals happen rapidly.

Now Stevie doesn't have to wait 6 months for a realtor commission check, she doesn't have to drive buyer's around, or represent seller's in order to get paid.

From enrolling in the Pro Wholesaler VIP Program, Stevie now knows how to wholesale houses each & every month from the MLS which beats the amount of money she was making as a realtor!

Hear how Stevie has been wholesaling multiple houses from the MLS and her review of the Pro Wholesaler VIP Program by!

--- Pro Wholesaler VIP Program Reviews Transcription ---

Stevie Bell (00:02):

Hi everyone. I'm Stevie Bell in Jacksonville, Florida, and I'm fairly new to the wholesale market. I guess I should say the wholesale real estate business. I came across Pro Wholesaler on Facebook and I have to say it was the best career decision that I've ever made.

Stevie Bell (00:29):

I had just recently become a real estate agent for the past two years, so I'm fairly new at that. I had a crash course in it and it was mind-blowing. It was right when the market was ramping up. I had several buyers that I was working with and was blessed to close several units my first year in the business, which is not a normal thing for a new real estate agent.

I wanted to learn more about the business, and at the time I was on a team with her friend and I was her buyer's agent. I had to step away from the team and pursue a different real estate broker to learn listings.

Stevie Bell (01:19):

While I was learning & reviewing listings, I came across Pro Wholesaler VIP Program. I had always wanted to be in investing in real estate, some sort of real estate investment. I started to have a rental years ago when the market crashed. I started to get my real estate license years ago and the market crashed.

When I came across this program, I heard wholesaling, fix and flip, I'd heard of that before. Buy and hold, I hadn't heard about that too much. It really piqued my interest and I thought, well, what is this? I haven't ever heard any agent talk about wholesaling houses before. Oh, let me back it up just a minute.

Stevie Bell (02:03):

I actually heard of another program and I set for seven days, maybe a couple of hours a day for seven days and listened to an intro into another program. Really piqued my interest, but I thought, I just don't think this one's a good fit for me.

I found Alex, and when I listened to his "how to wholesale real estate" free training, I knew right away, this is a good fit for me. I signed up, went through the program and it was fantastic.

Within probably 30, 40 days, I think, I was learning how to make offers. I was a little slow getting through my training and the training is just fantastic. You can go at your own pace or you can just crash course and cram it all in, and get started right away.

There are people that close deals before they even finish training. This program is so successful. It just has proven itself time and time again with me.

Stevie Bell (03:13):

My first wholesale real estate deal was in January of 2021, this year. I've probably had, I think, four or five deals. I know some people have had more, some people have had less, but every win is a win.

Another thing I love about this program is we celebrate each other's successes. Every time someone has a win, it's just so exciting to see it happen because we're all out there doing the same thing, we're pulling for each other, we're working really hard.

Stevie Bell (03:46):

Life before this was very hectic. I even questioned whether or not I wanted to stay in real estate.

I knew I wanted to get more into the investing side because real estate was just so much, and you're 24/7. I didn't want to be 24/7, so this was a great option for me and has proven to be a great option for me.

Stevie Bell (04:12):

Okay. I'm supposed to cover a list here. Let me... I stray away. It's hard to video yourself, but I want to give a good video for you guys because I absolutely love this program.

Stevie Bell (04:26):

My experience going through the program, great. Everything is broken down just exactly, so easy to follow. You can execute every single video after you watch it, you just execute it. It works. It just works.

The results, in life now, I want to completely get away from retail real estate and stay on the investment side, work in wholesale. Wholesaled a house to a friend of mine who's flipping it, and I want to eventually start flipping houses. Maybe not a big full reno flip, but so far flips are fun, so far.

This has been a good experience. I hear a lot of good things about it. I really like it. I helped put together the design of this one. I think it's something I'm going to step up to, maybe next. Get a few more wholesales under my belt.

Stevie Bell (05:26):

The results have been fantastic. If you work the program, if you just put in the work, you're going to have the results. You're going to have success.

These guys are here all the time. If you get on these real estate wholesale coaching calls with them twice a week, bring your case studies. We call them case studies and it's whatever deal that you have going at the time. If you're confused, they walk you through it.

They hold your hand, they break it down. I mean, you walk away so encouraged, educated, and equipped to just go out there and seal the deal, get to the closing table, make it happen. I love that about these guys. Just the measure of support is incredible.

I've gone to the local REIA meetings and there are some people that you meet there that are supportive as well. There are a lot of people in the industry that are very supportive. There are some close-knit groups here in Jacksonville that are very supportive.

Then there are some people that keep everything to themselves because they don't want any competition. Real estate is kind of a cutthroat thing, especially now. The market is just crazy.

Stevie Bell (06:46):

If I were talking to somebody who's on the fence about this, what would I say? That's easy. I have recruited people to come and be a part of this. As apprentices on a team, we're putting together a team, I found a partner in here. He's absolutely fantastic. He became part of the program. We found each other here in Jacksonville.

Now we have three people under us that are our apprentices. I think that's what we call them. Associates, acquisition associates, acquisition managers, and we've trained them on how to find the deals, run the real estate comps, look at what the renovation might cost. They're really new at it, but they're young, they're ambitious, and now is the time for them to get into real estate. They're excited. They absolutely love it. It just supports us.

It supports us a lot and you just have to do the deals, just make the offers, make the offers, make the offers. They're going to get accepted. Your offers are going to get accepted. You're going to close. That's just the way it falls together.

Stevie Bell (07:59):

I ask myself at the end of every win, okay, what else could possibly go right? Because I am connected to an amazing group of people and I would encourage every single person to be a part of this if they want to do something different.

I'm shocked that realtors don't know what wholesaling is. They know what fixing and flipping is, and investing, and buying and hold, but they don't know what wholesaling is. It's exciting, it's fun, and I want to do it all the time.

Stevie Bell (08:30):

Thank you, Alex Martinez, thank you, Ryan Zomorodi, and the Real Estate Skills team for all that you do to just make this such a great program and the best decision I've ever made.

--- End of Transcription ---


P.S. Here are a couple of wholesale checks Stevie posted in our exclusive Pro Wholesaler Community! 


And another! Many more to come!

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