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Morgan Closed A $26k Wholesale Deal! - Pro Wholesaler VIP Program Review

mls pro wholesaler student success video wholesaling Aug 17, 2021

Meet Morgan - He's a member of our Pro Wholesaler VIP Program and wholesaled his first house for $26k in the Kansas City area!

Morgan didn't know much about real estate investing before getting started with us.  He just followed our program to the tee and got results!

Hear what Morgan has to say on becoming a Pro Wholesaler & how he made his first wholesale deal happen in this review!

--- Pro Wholesaler VIP Program Reviews Transcription ---

Morgan (00:01):

Hey, Pro Wholesalers. Hope you're doing great. My name is Morgan Greer & I'm wholesaling real estate in Kansas. And just a few weeks back, I was able to close my first wholesale deal and it was a pretty big one!

It went for a $26,000 wholesale fee, which I was just shocked and floored by and really encouraged by. And one of the things I really appreciate about the Pro Wholesaler VIP Program is their encouragement to build relationships with your cash buyers.

This deal actually came from the end buyer reaching out to me. So it was not through the MLS. It was actually through them saying, "Hey, here are some people to reach out to, and we'd appreciate that if you took it up." And I said, "Sure."

On the website on Pro Wholesalers, they even have a wholesaling cold calling script and so I just kind of gave that a shot!

Morgan (00:46):

And again, out of the seller, they had a reverse mortgage. They basically said, "Well, we're planning to sell this home back to the bank or we're open to working with you."

And so it was actually a very smooth process because they were highly, highly motivated sellers.

And within about six weeks from that first initial contact, the real estate deal closed and again, a $26,000 wholesale fee went to me. And so really, really thankful for that.

And yeah, just want to encourage you if you're struggling or if you're doing really well. Either way, keep working hard at it. There is a lot to be made in this real estate investment as we serve clients.

This gal was just really thankful and told me point blank, "Yeah. I'm happy. I'm thankful." They got a price that they appreciated and just were really great sellers to work with.

Morgan (01:33):

So it was a blast and yeah. The deal is easy. Whether the wholesale deal comes with some twists and turns, it's worth getting after.

One of those simple ones, which was not a big deal, but even in the end, we pushed back a closing date by a week because they're an older couple and they just said, "Man," a day before, "we really need an extra week to work."

Right? So I also really appreciate just thinking back to the program and we're people who come up with solutions and just help people to make sure the deal gets across the line. And so, again, not a whole lot of twists and turns in this one, a really easy sell, but really thankful for.

Build good relationships with your cash buyers. You just don't know how they may help you out and they may offer you some work.

Even as you're working the MLS primarily, they may come around the back door and offer you something off the market. So keep working the Pro Wholesaler VIP Program.

Keep doing your best, and hope that can encourage you some!

--- End of Transcription ---

Here's Morgan celebrating his win in our exclusive Pro Wholesaler VIP Community! Way to go, Morgan!

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